3 in 1 Tool Chest
Bids (10)
Retail Value $313.00
Donated by Charles Johnson
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Bid History (10 bids - Click to View)
Trevor Castle 10/20/22 05:30PM

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Jacob Moser 10/20/22 05:29PM

Top bid!

Corey Smith 10/20/22 05:29PM

Jacob Moser 10/20/22 05:29PM

Corey Smith 10/20/22 05:29PM

Jacob Moser 10/20/22 05:27PM

Trevor Castle 10/20/22 05:26PM

Jacob Moser 10/20/22 05:25PM

Corey Smith 10/20/22 04:06PM

Caryl Johnson 10/19/22 12:43PM


Kevin Collins
Golf Tournament Co-Chair

Sandra Bensworth
Auction Committee Chairperson