Building Rural Community Schools in Niger, West Africa Banner
Rotary Club of Westlake Village

Building Rural Community Schools in Niger, West Africa

Ongoing Event

Status: Implementation February 10, 2021 
Location: Niger, West Africa

Project Description: This project addresses the need of classroom furniture as young students sit on the dirt in class. Our relationship with the Rotary Club of Niamey-Gaweye, Niger gives us an opportunity to provide funds to equip Rural Community of Liboré classrooms of  with 60 chairs, benches and tables.

Club Involvement: Our club, primarily by member donations, supports the whole project.

List of some Global Grants Supported by Our Club: 

  1. Contributed to the global grant for 25 Water filters Bangalore South District 3190  Total Grant $ 31,000  
  2. Provided a continuous Potable Water system for the residents of barangay in Philippines with District 2820- Total Grant – $24,958
  3. Project Peanut Butter Ghana (SAM GG142449); Aims to prevent severe acute malnutrition
  4. Revolving Loan in Santa Paula Microcredit Matching Grant, CA, Simi valley Sunrise Partnered with D3720 Republic of Korea. The focus was on financial literacy and job  creation for low income women in Santa Paula. Total Grant $240,476.00  
  5. Heart Monitors for El Salvador District 5300 – Total Grant $53,712.31  6. Hospital Bloom San Salvador
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Jean Luc Jubin
Event Organizer

Rotary Foundation Tax ID: 770131945