Alzheimer's Association Volunteer - The Longest Day Banner
Alzheimers Association Orange County Chapter

Alzheimer's Association Volunteer - The Longest Day

Ongoing Event

We are currently recruiting energetic and dedicated volunteers to join our 2018-2019 The Longest Day Planning Committees!

The Longest Day is our do-it-yourself fundraising platform that supports Alzheimer's care and research. With this unique platform, your favorite hobby can be turned into a fundraiser!

This event is a 365-day a year fundraising event, and we are looking for individuals in each area to volunteer to help plan events and recruit new people!

If you would like to combine your passion for our cause, with your interest in Development/Special Events, email for more information.

Orange, CA 92868
Driving Directions
Orange, CA 92868

Jody Wills
Community Outreach & Education Specialist

Tax ID: 133039601OC