Empowerment Mirrors for At Risk Youth Banner
Freedom Ride Project

Empowerment Mirrors for At Risk Youth

Ongoing Event


Freedom Ambassador Program

In their first couple weeks of The Freedom Ambassador Program education, high school students, Eileen and Cindy, learned that human trafficking targets every day high school girls like them. The theme that most profoundly resonated with these young ladies was that youth with low self-esteem are at the highest risk because they are hungry for love and attention. “These kids are ready to believe almost anyone who tells them they are beautiful, smart, or worthy,“ says Eileen. “When I heard this, I realized this could be me. This could be my friend. This is what gave us the idea for our project.”

Eileen and Cindy want to make sure that all kids know that they are worthy of love. They want to equip kids to recognize and stand up to the ruses of predators who try to trick them.

 Through the Mirror Empowerment Project, Eileen and Cindy have created a mirror that is non-gender specific to convey pricelessness in their message #NOPRICETAG. The mirror includes “Text: BEFREE” as embedded information to report incidents of human trafficking and a hand-written card with a personalized message, including COURAGEOUS, WORTHY, HOPE, VALUED, FIERCE.


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