Honor our Heroes Banner
San Clemente Sunrise Rotary Club/Foundation

Honor our Heroes

November 14, 2021
8:00AM – 4:00PM PST

A great opportunity to honor your Veteran Heroes with a Personalized Flag with their name and branch of service.

A $20 Donation does the trick.  We'll place your tribute along with the others at Parque Del Mar in the San Clement Pier Bowl area on Sunday, November 14th in honor of Veteran's Day.  

Be sure to include the name of your Honoree and Branch of Service.  Include your contact information if you would like the flag returned to you as a memento.

We plan to start placement of the flags at 0800 that day and remove them at 1600.  The opening ceremony will be accompanied with a Bag Piper and closing ceremony with a bugler.  You are invited to come share the experience.

Jim Rutter
Jim Rutter

San Clement Parque Del Mar

Pier Bowl
San Clemente, CA 92672
Driving Directions
San Clement Parque Del Mar
Pier Bowl
San Clemente, CA 92672

Jim Rutter
President Elect
949 361-5866

San Clemente Sunrise Rotary Club Foundation Tax ID: 330516234