Build Futures

Build Futures   

Housing | Huntington Beach, CA

Build Futures is a nonprofit organization dedicated to taking homeless youth ages 18 to 24 off the streets of Orange County and providing them with the housing, resources and services necessary to reach self-sufficiency.  

We begin by providing them with stable housing and one-on-one support.

We use a structured, step-by-step program called "Steps to Success" which is tailored to each youth and connects them to services and resources needed to obtain and maintain long term independence.

The number of homeless high school seniors turning 18 in Orange County schools has grown in one year by 24% to over 2700.   The number of homeless high school students has grown to over 11,000, more than doubled in four years.  Orange County has one of the highest per-capita homeless rates n the state and without intervention this demographic is facing chronic homelessness throughout their lives.

Build Futures addresses a problem people don't know exists and is only getting worse.  These kids in crisis have no home, no hope and no way out unless we get them off the street now.  Build Futures prevents homeless youth from a life of crime, drugs, jail and/or sex trafficking.  Jail costs $109 a night versus $125 for a week of housing and support through Build Futures.

It only takes an average of $1,000 to transform the life of one of these kids and restore hope.

Build Futures has not yet activated their merchant account with Givsum. Your donation will go to the GIVSUM Foundation who will issue a check to Build Futures ( less applicable fees ) as a grant within 30 days. You will get a tax receipt for the full amount of your donation from the GIVSUM Foundation, which you may use for your tax purposes.


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