Daughters Of The British Empire Royal Ascot Chapter

Daughters Of The British Empire Royal Ascot Chapter   

Los Angeles, CA

The Royal Ascot Chapter is proud to be the largest chapter in our State with over 70 members! Meetings are held at 1:30pm on the 3rd Tuesday of the month in Laguna Woods Village.Everyone looks forward to our monthly meeting - yes even during the summer our members don’t wish to go dark for a couple of months. We end all our meetings with tea and a selection of sandwiches [crusts removed of course), cakes and cookies all made or bought by a prearranged slate of ladies.

The primary reason for our chapter is fundraising ‘For the Cause’ so we encourage full membership participation in all our fundraising efforts. These include three rummage sales per year, 3 or 4 fundraising bus trips, (one of which is our very popular 2-night Laughlin Luau), our Spring Fashion Show and our annual Christmas Party. In addition to supporting The British Home, we also make donations to the Laguna Woods Foundation who assist needy seniors cover the costs of their medicines and utilities and to the Coalition for Pulmonary Fibrosis.

As we live in a senior community, our number two reason would be caring. We make it a policy to call any member who doesn’t show for a meeting especially those who don’t usually miss. We celebrate all the current birthdays each month with a special lunch at one of the local restaurants; we have had up to 26 ladies in attendance including six birthday girls. Everyone enjoys it and sometimes it will be the only recognition of their birthday as some ladies don’t have any family in the area so everyone is happy to participate and pay their our own way.

As you can see, we are a fun loving group of ladies who enjoy and take care of each while working for ‘The Cause.’

To learn more about Royal Ascot Chapter, just email us at info@dberoyalascot.org and we will be in touch.

DBE Royal Ascot has not yet activated their merchant account with Givsum. Your donation will go to the GIVSUM Foundation who will issue a check to DBE Royal Ascot ( less applicable fees ) as a grant within 30 days. You will get a tax receipt for the full amount of your donation from the GIVSUM Foundation, which you may use for your tax purposes.


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Pamela Williams