No Silence No Violence

No Silence No Violence   

Crime and Legal | San Diego, CA

Our Mission:

To reduce the incidence, trauma and stigma of domestic violence by creating awareness, providing support and empowerment, shifting perspectives, and promoting/facilitating systems change.9

Breaking the Silence About Domestic Violence

NSNV is a non-profit organization committed to providing education, training, resources, and community development that will eliminate stigma surrounding relationship abuse and sexual assault, while creating awareness, shifting perspectives, and creating change in the way we talk about domestic violence, as well as addressing the needs of those affected by this epidemic.

“If you would have told me several years ago that I would experience daily gratitude for all I endured, and actually rejoice in my testimony, I would have called you crazy. As a teenage girl, turned young wife/young mother, and survivor of abuse, it was all I could do to wake up and face each day without giving up. To now have the opportunity to reach thousands of young men and women by sharing my lessons, creating safe spaces for tough conversations, affirming the value and worth we each have, and ultimately changing the way we show-up in relationships is nothing short of a miracle.

It is my life’s purpose to support those who are struggling, eliminate stigma, shine a light on how to move from trauma to healthy relationships and change the way our communities respond to the epidemic of domestic violence and relationship abuse. I applaud each of you for your willingness to explore this tough issue and encourage you to stand with us as we walk this movement forward…one survivor at a time.”  – Jessica Yaffa; President, NoSilence NoViolence

NSNV has not yet activated their merchant account with Givsum. Your donation will go to the GIVSUM Foundation who will issue a check to NSNV ( less applicable fees ) as a grant within 30 days. You will get a tax receipt for the full amount of your donation from the GIVSUM Foundation, which you may use for your tax purposes.


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Jessica Yaffa