Stories for Warriors Banner
Publish For Charity

Stories for Warriors

Ongoing Event

Every day, service men and women across America are protecting our country and freedoms we hold so dear. Those who have been to battle often come home unable to cope with what they've seen, have difficulty supporting their families financially or sometimes both. Hope for Warriors main mission is to enhance the life of service members, their families and families of the fallen who have sustained physical and psychological wounds in the line of duty.

All the stories you see below help to support this great non-profit and it's mission; now you can as well; donate and download one or all of the stories below and catch our #givebackbuzz!

A Far Cry From The City
A Far Cry From The City
Murder at Shakespeare's
Murder at Shakespeare's
When five of his own villains meet at Shakespeare's house for a dinner, it becomes a night he won't forget; and neither will anyone else

Chicago, 60601
Driving Directions
Chicago, 60601

Tax ID: 473592192